My five month old hero

Jacob has only been five months old for a week and he is already showing us what a big boy he has become. He amazes us every day by doing something new or overcoming something difficult.

First, the hard stuff. He has been battling a stuffy sounding nose for over a week now, and it finally turned into a nasty sounding cough. He has it rough at night, but we are right there to soothe him. Luckily, the doctor thinks it may just be a sign of the next hard thing…teething! He is definitely starting the teething process, with drooly-ness ramped up, hands always in his mouth, and swollen bottom gums. I check his mouth every day to see if there is a little white tooth ready to poke out. We bought Jacob a little teething ring that can go in the fridge to get cold, and he seems to love to bite it. Lastly, he bumped his head for the first (and surely not last) time. He cried for about a minute, but after was his usual cute self. He didn’t even get a big bump! What a tough guy!

Despite these challenges, Jacob is so happy to learn new skills. He now pulls himself up to a sitting position by holding mommy’s hands (with help). He rolls onto his tummy if he wants to go to sleep during nap time. He is even trying to push himself up more when on his tummy to try and scoot! He sits on his bottom a little better, and may soon be ready to do it on his own. He grabs at the toys he wants and recognizes when we call his name. We even found his ticklish spots :). Being a parent to such a perfect boy is such a joy. I don’t know how David and I got to be so blessed!

As we prepare for our trip, I am looking forward to seeing him learn more about the world around him, especially the water in the pool and ocean. I hope he enjoys it as much as we enjoy him every day.


A 21 week old sweetie

Jacob has gotten over his latest hurdle, another round of sickness. I guess I should say that mom and dad got through it too! I don’t know if Jacob being sick is harder on him or us. At least he won’t remember it.

Despite having a fever off and on, Jacob was completely well for his child dedication at church. It makes me feel so good to know that the whole church prayed for him, and for David and me as parents. We will bring him up to know and love God so we can enjoy our faith together.

It is so funny how despite him being here for almost five months, we still are challenged as new parents every so often. Just when you feel you have everything figured out, there is another hurdle. Just yesterday he was crying and crying, so upset and everything we tried didn’t soothe him. Finally, after being passed back and forth between and David a few times, he gave a little toot and didn’t cry as much. We forgot about gas! Also, we are trying to plan our first trip with him, and there is so much to consider.

I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Jacob is 4 months old!

Our handsome little boy is now 4 months old and it seems like he is growing so incredibly fast. He isn’t just bigger size-wise, but it seems like every day he discovers something new that he can do. Most recently he has started rolling over onto his tummy (despite hating tummy time) and flipping back. He is also discovering his toes and hands, grabbing at all kinds of toys (and Mom’s hair).

Jacob also spent his first night away from home with Grandma and Grandpa Gonzales. He did very well! I think mom and dad missed him more than he missed us. He is so easygoing…I can’t believe how lucky we are. There are more exciting milestones coming soon. Between now and six months he will be starting solid foods (baby foods), sitting up on his own, and maybe even growing some teeth!

David and I are so grateful for our incredible little blessing, that we will be doing a child dedication at our church soon. Jacob will grow up with good Christian values and morals, and learn to show gratitude like we are learning. It will be a special day for us all.


17 weeks in-lots of growing

Jacob is almost 4 months old! In the last few weeks and days he is growing so much and we are so in awe of our little man. He is even going to school (daycare)! He really likes it there.

Life has been getting easier as we figure out our routine. Jacob is adjusting to everything well. He is working on rolling over now, which he almost has down. This just started happening today, so I think we are in for a lot more activity soon! When he is on his belly, Jacob also likes to try and scoot around. Time to start the baby proofing soon.

Between 4-6 months we can start solid foods. We are going to wait until he can sit up better, and when he starts looking interested in what we are eating. For now I will enjoy our time nursing.


Feeling right at home

Jacob has been in the world for 14 weeks now and is a central figure in the Bonilla household. His stuff is all mixed in with ours…a blanket here, some pants there and him always at the front of our thoughts. I don’t know if 14 weeks sounds like a lot, but time sure has flown by. I feel nostalgic already for those first few weeks when he was so tiny and new. I wish I had taken more pictures with him, even though I felt so tired and was in some pain from the c-section.

I am now preparing to get back to work, and start our new routine. Jacob will be going to a daycare very close to our house when I go back in a week and a half. David and I have struggled with figuring out what is best for Jacob while I go back to work. I prayed about it in Church, and immediately God sent a reassurance that we were doing the right thing. A lady in the nursery where Jacob was during the service had sent her daughter to the same daycare and told us she loved it. I am so grateful for this sign and while it will still be hard to leave him, I know he will be protected.

So I now need to get into work mode. I am so grateful that I love my job and have supportive people around me. I am sure it will be busy, and it will take a huge adjustment for both me and Jacob, but I gladly do it if it means more financial security for Jacob’s future.


A twelve week old sweetie

Jacob has hit twelve weeks and likely twelve pounds! He is growing so much each week that I can hardly believe he was once so tiny inside me. It is such a miracle that he started out as a bunch of cells and grew into this little person.

In addition to getting bigger, we can tell that he is growing developmentally too. He has better control over his movements and is starting to discover what his hands can do. We are able to make him smile and sometimes laugh. He has learned that he can make objects move by hitting them, and he recognizes certain sounds. He even can entertain himself in the mornings for quite a while. I just love watching him play and look around his crib through our monitor. And, when one of us finally goes in to get him, he has a big smile and lots of coos. It makes waking up so much fun.

That doesn’t mean that every moment is easy. There are still times he cries and we don’t know what is bothering him. Or, there are the pee or spit up accidents when we just changed him. Sometimes there is poo everywhere. But, we love him and happily take the challenges as long as we get those smiles.


At 9 weeks and something bit me!

Jacob is two months old, which means he was due for his first big round of vaccines. At the appointment, the doctor said it looked like he is developing very normally, and at 10 pounds and 6 ounces he is not as chunky as we thought he would be. When it came time for the shots, I tried to be brave and positive even when holding him still for the nurse. It still made me sting, however, when I saw his face go from happy to crying in a split second. He only cried for about half a minute though. Then he kind of just looked dazed like he didn’t know what was going on.

Later on, we could tell the poor guy’s legs hurt. Every time he kicked them he would give off a little cry. He also didn’t want to eat and just wanted to nap most of the rest of the day. To make us feel better, Jacob slept in our room for the first time in a very long time. Unfortunately for me, all the sleep he got in the afternoon and evening meant he woke up hungry a few times in the middle of the night. Oh well, that is why coffee exists.

Our next adventure awaits this week as daddy goes to a conference and mommy gets to have Jacob all to herself!

Welcome to July, 8 weeks old!

Jacob is gearing up for his first Independence Day, and turning 8 weeks old today! It is strange how quickly time has passed, and I am realizing how soon I will be back at work. While I am looking forward to getting into a familiar routine, I will miss the leisurely mornings spent with Jacob when he is all smiles and gurgles.

He has been doing okay even though we are going through a mini heat wave. I make sure he stays inside during the hottest parts of the day and is nice and cool. I am so thankful we have central air, we would all be miserable without it. He spent a short period in just a diaper yesterday, and didn’t complain despite his hating being naked.

Next week will be his two week check up and vaccines…I hope mom and dad survive their baby boy getting his shots!



7 weeks, still figuring it out

Jacob has reached the 7 week mark and seems to be thriving despite catching his first cold. He is such a cute baby, and mom and dad are loving every second with him despite his fussy moments.

We are still dealing with all the little details that come with having a baby. Today we left him with Grandma Gonzales for a few hours while we caught a movie. Mom remembered to leave milk, but forgot the bottles! That is what a night of under 5 hours of sleep will get you! At least I remembered to leave enough diapers and wipes πŸ™‚

I am also still learning the best way to get my boy to burp so he doesn’t spit up so much. I read a bunch of techniques from other moms and already had a little success with 4 burps at his last feeding.

David and I are still getting used to leaving Jacob with others, but it is weird. This weekend we will give the Bonilla clan a chance to spend lots of time with him while we attend a wedding. I know they will enjoy every second. Next we get to look forward to getting back into exercising. I have a ways to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, but know with a few healthy changes to my diet and the start of an exercise routine I will make it!

Happy Father’s Day to an Amazing Man

I am so excited to celebrate David’s first Father’s Day today! Jacob is so lucky to have such a loving and involved Daddy. I am so in love with my husband for the dad he is. I always knew he would be great at parenthood, and he continues to prove me right.

David lets me rest all throughout the day despite all he has to do, he provides meals to me so I can be strong and nurse our son, and he takes Jacob on walks in his baby carrier to soothe his crying. He isn’t afraid of a poopy diaper or to get spit up on. He is excited to see his son every morning and kisses him every night. He wants to do everything right for his little boy.

For all these reasons and more, I know Jacob has the perfect Daddy for him.


Happy 3 week birthday!

Jacob is now three weeks old and growing every day. I am amazed by how he is slowly changing. His face looks fuller and he is definitely getting heavier. He looks more like his daddy now, and I struggle to see what features of mine he has. I think we determined he has part of my nose.

Life is slowly settling into a routine. Most of what we do centers around when Jacob needs to eat or when we think he will be asleep. I try to get at least one nap in each day, but it isn’t always easy. He sometimes had a hard time staying asleep, but we are learning what works. Last night he had a long three and a half (almost 4) hour stretch of sleep! I actually woke up before he did to feed him.

It was hard sometimes the first few weeks, but I love my new life and routine. He is asleep in my arms and all is right with the world πŸ™‚


Growing baby boy

Jacob had his first doctor’s visit today, and is gaining weight like a champ. Babies usually lose some of their birth weight in the first few days of life, and get back to it by two weeks old. Jacob was born 6 lbs 7 oz and went down to 5lbs 13 oz when he came home. Today he is at 6 lbs 4 oz! I am so proud of my boy. He cried through the whole appt, but he checks out as a healthy baby.

In love with another man!

I now have two favorite men in my life! My son is the most precious little baby, and I couldn’t love David more for helping me create this little miracle. We are incredibly blessed and enjoying each and every second (even the hard ones).

So, having Jacob didn’t happen exactly as I imagined it would. It was a challenging, scary experience with the decision to have a cesarean section but I know my doctor was only suggesting what would be best for both the baby and me. While I wish things could have been different, the end result was the same. I have a gorgeous, healthy son who, despite being only two days old, has completely become the center of my world. I am so grateful for having my little family grow by one. As we look towards taking baby Jacob home, I pray every night that we have a smooth transition to our new life together.

Baby Bonilla has his own schedule

Sometime in the second half of this pregnancy I had a feeling that our little man would come on Cinco de Mayo. I guess he is already starting to prove me wrong! I know I have no control over when he wants to make his appearance, but it sure was nice to sit back and dream!

Now that time is winding down, and while I should be focused on the task of labor and delivery, I can’t help but think of all the things I will soon be able to eat without worrying about my blood sugar levels! While having gestational diabetes was probably the best thing that could have happened for my pregnancy (didn’t end up gaining to much weight or needing any insulin), it came with lots of difficulties. I had to learn how to poke my finger and test my blood 4 times a day, learn how to count carbs and find the right balance in my diet, avoid all the delicious treats that a pregnant woman SHOULD be able to indulge in, and make sure I got off my booty and exercise every single day. It was tough, and not without a few tears, but I made it!

This whole pregnancy has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much about myself, about my relationship with David, about family, and about faith. I am grateful for every second I have had where it is just me and baby. He has grown so much inside me, and to see his face will be to know a miracle of God. I will keep focusing on that thought to get me through this next step, and to sustain me as we begin the journey into parenthood.

Had our first “trial run” of labor!

Last night I was having some discomfort with some contractions. I mostly ignored them (not too painful) but suggested to David that we try timing them to “practice”. Imagine my surprise when they were coming every 3 minutes on the dot! It was right before bed, so I was getting ready to try and sleep around them when David was already putting on his pants and loading the car. I figured that if they were coming that frequently and I could feel them, we might as well go get it checked out.

So, off to Torrance Memorial Hospital we went with no traffic or issues. The staff was really nice and I felt fine so we put me on the monitors to see what was going on. I did have regular contractions that got a bit stronger, but there was no progress in dilation. So, after a little over an hour there we packed up and headed back home.

I guess Baby B was just keeping us on our toes for now! I was able to sleep and now David and I have a better idea of what to expect when we have to go for the real thing. So today I am planning on just seeing where the day leads. If I do start feeling those contractions again, at least now I know that it isn’t the main event until it REALLY hurts.

38 weeks out of 40

Today marks my 38th week of pregnancy. As long as that sounds, it feels like it has gone by so fast! I guess that is because I know there is only one more milestone to get through, so days of pregnancy updates are limited. Now it is all about the tiny human who is about to come in to the world.

I feel incredibly lucky to not be one of those miserable pregnant ladies who is trying to do all she can to get labor started. I have had so much energy and can still get around pretty easily. I hope that means baby wants to stick around with me a little longer cause I have been providing a good home. Maybe things will change in the next 14 days until my due date, but for now I will continue to feel grateful.

I think we are as ready as we are going to be for our little man to come home. I am so looking forward to just seeing his face! I know we could have done the 3D ultrasound thing, but since we already found out he’s a boy we might as well have SOME sense of surprise. Will he have my nose and David’s eyes? Will he have a full head of hair? Will he be a quiet baby or keep us up all day and night? So much to learn about this baby, it will be so exciting to get to know him.

Full Term

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant, which is considered full term! I can’t believe we have made it all the way to the end. So now it is sit and wait for baby to make his arrival. I do feel like my body is starting to prepare for the work ahead. I have been more tired lately, and feeling odd sensations (twinges and stretching). I think the nesting instinct is starting to kick in too, since I have been so distracted with wanting to get everything ready. Thankfully my family has been amazing at offering their help.

I also made it to the last major event at work. It was my goal to make it to this point, and I did it! Now I will focus on wrapping up any projects I can, and training my temporary replacement. It feels good to be winding down so I can try to enjoy the last moments of my pregnancy.

To top it all off, I have the most amazing, dedicated, loving husband. He is so excited to meet his baby boy, and does all he can to make life easier for the both of us. Today I came home to see more decoration put up in the baby’s room, and the monitor ready to go. Last night he did some laundry for me too! I am incredibly lucky to have my soul mate with me on this incredible journey.

Baby pointed in the right direction

At today’s doctor appointment I got a very quick ultrasound to check on baby’s position. His head is down and everything is looking good! It is a huge relief to know that everything is progressing as it should. Only a little under 5 weeks to go!

Hello Cantaloupe!

So I will probably be a new fruit next week, but baby is now the size of a large cantaloupe. He should be about 15-19 inches long and a little over 5lbs. Wow, he’s getting big!! At the last doctor’s appointment, the nurse practitioner said my belly is growing right on track. Lets hope baby stays a reasonable size!

Tonight I went to my first breast feeding class. I really enjoyed the teacher and learned so much already. I feel it was way more useful than the newborn baby care and childbirth classes. It also left me feeling a bit more empowered and not as nervous about not getting it right away.

The next few weeks are going to be incredibly busy at home and at work. We are meeting different pediatricians to see who would be the best doctor for our baby. We have different items to purchase. We are also trying to fit in some fun time while we still can. Add to that all the other things going on in our lives and I will be one pooped pregnant lady soon enough. But I still feel like I can keep it up.

I picked up all my maternity leave paperwork from my work’s human resources. I am looking forward to (hopefully) having at least a week or two before my due date to transition into a different state of mind. I just hope baby doesn’t want to come too early!! I know it is possible, but I just want him to have plenty of time to finish cooking. I want to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy (despite the discomfort) and be ready to welcome him to his happy home.

Appreciation for my work friends!

Today my coworkers threw a little baby shower for me after our staff meeting! It was so sweet, and the planner had so many cute ideas! There was a turtle theme, that was so special πŸ™‚ I am very grateful for my work family. They have been incredibly supportive this entire time. My boss gave some kind remarks, and the staff entered a baby due date pool and decorated bibs and onesies. I had a lot of fun πŸ™‚




50 days left!

Wow, time is moving quickly and lots of exciting things are happening. We had our first class yesterday on newborn baby care. Most of the information David and I remember reading in our books, but we did learn some new things too. The fun part was when we got to practice different ways to hold our baby. We had a floppy baby doll that felt pretty real! David has mastered the cradle hold and football hold. Next week we will learn about bathing, diapering and more!

Tomorrow is our Childbirth class (all day, yikes)! I am a little nervous but still excited to learn about all my options. I am glad we are doing it a bit early so we can practice our favorite techniques. I don’t yet know what my pain tolerance will be, so I will be taking lots of notes! Hopefully David doesn’t get too grossed out by any video they show!

Now that baby B’s furniture is in his room, we can start planning on how it will look in a few weeks with decorations and other items. I really like how cozy it already feels. I think baby and I will have lots of fun bonding in there.

Baby is doing well. He moves so much and I can tell he is bigger. I just hope he stays a reasonable size πŸ™‚

My kid is a show-off

Baby B had quite a fun time last night. He spent about half an hour rolling, kicking, squirming and moving all over for his daddy. David was pretty entertained with how much my stomach was moving. He asked me if it ever bothers me. Truthfully, sometimes it is distracting when I am working, but I can’t be mad at my little baby exploring his world. He is still small enough where the kicks don’t hurt, but he seems to love seeing how far he can push himself out. Watching my tummy move is my new favorite show πŸ™‚

75 days left *gulp*

Wow, time is flying by now. I went over the calendar with David yesterday and there is a lot going on between now and when Baby B will be born. Between work, appointments, weekend activities, and all we still need to do to get the house ready, it will be hard to sit with my feet up!! I am sure I can find some time soon, though.

With just over 10 weeks left, I still feel pretty good (all things considered). The hardest part is managing my Gestational Diabetes. Testing 4 times a day has been difficult, but I am finally getting the hang of it. Mostly I miss all those goodies that baby (well, mom really) craves. I know that I need to stay away from all the sweets, though, to make sure baby is not being set up for difficulty as he grows. I am lucky that this was caught when it was, and he is measuring right on track.

So, on to more little tasks that need to get done πŸ™‚

Small victories!

Now that the third trimester is started, I know things are supposed to get a bit harder. However, I am glad I can still tie my own shoes, shave my legs, and sleep relatively comfortably. While I am celebrating these small victories, I have new challenges to face.

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which, while I somehow deep down thought would be possible, was still a big shock. My numbers were really high after the test that my doctor immediately referred me to a specialist. So I have been learning how to test my blood sugar 4 times a day (my poor fingers) and will find out today if I may need to add insulin. So far, I have extremely cut down my carbs and eliminated sugars (except a few grams found in some foods). I really hope that by managing my diet I can avoid having to give myself shots. The good news is that this should go away after I have the baby.

Another interesting development is the appearance of my first stretch marks despite my daily moisturizing routine. I am going to have to double my efforts now!

Aside from these challenges, I am excited that time is marching forward. There is about 3 months left, and Baby B is having a great time exploring his snug home. He’s been very active, with lots of kicks, hiccups, and rolling around. I have even seen him make my whole stomach jump from side to side. It is so amazing and a little funny. We have also started working on picking the color and decor for the nursery, and started our registry.

So it is an exciting, interesting time! Lots to do, and lots to look forward to. Can’t wait to meet this little man!

Wow, less than 100 days left!

I was just looking at my countdown and I have 97 days until my due date!! Where did time go? There is still lots to do (or start doing) but I am sure Baby B will give me enough time to get it all done.

Next week I will start my third trimester, which is supposed to be the hardest part. I can already tell where I may find some difficulties. While I can still get around okay with only slight waddling, I can feel the sides of my back start to get sore by the late afternoon. Some of my shoes don’t really fit anymore. I have begun to experience heartburn. Well… At least I am still able to flip sides in bed!!

The exciting thing is that Baby B is growing and getting much stronger. His kicks are very noticeable and frequent. David has been able to feel him more πŸ™‚ I will soon be ready to let others feel when he is moving too! It is a strange and magical time :).