End of Babymoon, Beginning of Countdown!

We just got home from what was probably one of the most memorable trips we’ve had. This weekend was such a wonderful treat, and I am incredibly lucky to have a husband who treats me so well. I already told him he has to be careful or I will be very spoiled πŸ™‚

The drive up to Pismo Beach on Friday was beautiful. Although it was a bit rainy for portions, the coast looked so pretty and there was no traffic. We stopped in Santa Barbara for a delicious lunch and to get some special chocolates from a shop we visited the last time we were there. When we got to Pismo just before 4pm, we were pleasantly surprised at how nice the hotel was. The view was gorgeous and we were surprised with a little gift bag of a onesie with the hotel name on it and a blanket. Inside were also coupons for some treats during our stay.

Our hotel room was simply amazing. The view of the coast was breathtaking and we quickly set out to explore before the sun set. We made our way down to the beach where the tide was out and got to explore some tide pools. We later went out for a lite dinner of salad and pizza before heading back to the hotel room and a nice warm bath for me.

Our second day was pure luxury and relaxation. We started with a complimentary breakfast, then took a quick trip to a butterfly grove. I loved seeing thousands of monarch butterflies flitting around. We also walked around the Pismo pier for a bit, before heading back to the hotel to prepare for our couples massage.

We each had VERY relaxing massages! I almost didn’t want to get off of the table! I will have to remember to have a few more before baby comes πŸ™‚ we headed back to our room after that to continue the relaxation by just being lazy. We watched tv, requested our complimentary sparkling apple cider and dessert, and just laid around before getting ready for dinner. It was in this relaxed state that David felt his son move for the first time! He was laying with his head on my stomach and heard (and felt) baby kick him in the ear. Later, as baby was really moving a lot, he was able to feel with his hand. It was perfect timing for baby to show off for his daddy πŸ™‚

If you saw David’s Facebook posts, we had an incredible dinner. We had a voucher for the restaurant in the hotel, and didn’t think to make a reservation, but luckily they were able to give us a table. They had a special “restaurant month” menu which included 3 courses for $30. I figured it would be decent, but was treated to a spectacular meal. I had a butternut squash soup to start, followed by a very fresh piece of salmon over some asparagus and tomatoes in a citrus and balsamic sauce. David had a delicious lemon shrimp risotto and seared duck breast over some greens with onions, apples, bacon and croutons. Just when it couldn’t get better, i ordered the chocolate cake with mango sorbet and the server gave me a HUGE piece! David had an equally yummy pineapple upside-down cake with coconut sorbet and a little coconut cookie. We somehow managed to tear ourselves out of the food coma and make our way back to our room, but not before raving to the maitre’d about how much we enjoyed the dinner. Since we were stuffed, we got back into the relaxing mode and ordered an in-room movie and called it a night.

This morning, although we were sad to leave, we made the most of it by having a very tasty breakfast at a little hole in the wall place and walking around the town a bit. Sadly, soon enough we needed to start heading back to reality. Now we are home, and trying to stay in a vacation state of mind.

That will be tough, though, because my countdown says I have just under 15 weeks left. So, we will soon be busying ourselves with preparations for Baby B’s arrival. Within the next few weeks we will start planning his room and making some of the bigger purchases. It is so exciting to think we are going to meet this little guy soon. Well, it is a little scary too, but I know that we will figure everything out. We have a great support with our family and friends. So, onwards with the countdown!

24 weeks and an Eggplant

Baby has reached the size of an eggplant (but one that weighs over a pound). Looking at my stomach these days, I can believe it! Baby B is also getting lots of practice in moving around and kicking. Sometimes, out of nowhere, my stomach will jump with a good swift kick. Yesterday he was really active, and it is amazing every time I feel his movements. I tell him he is doing a good job at kicking, and to keep practicing.

In other news, I caught a pretty bad cold. Lots of people are sick around me, and even though I try to avoid them I guess it is just in the air. I spent all yesterday hanging around at home with Netflix to entertain me and what seemed like gallons of orange juice and water. Hoping I see some improvement by today, since it is a long weekend and I don’t want to spend the entire time sick. Baby doesn’t seem too disturbed by my coughing or sneezes.

I have another doctors appointment tomorrow, but as far as I can tell everything is going along normally. I booked the majority of my prenatal classes for March and April. Now David and I are just talking about starting to get the baby’s room ready and making some purchases. He’ll be staying in the Yuko suite (aka our spare bedroom), and we have already seen some decor we like. We may paint one wall (by we I mean David) for extra color in the room. If I am feeling better Monday I will suggest a trip to Home Depot to look at paint choices.

Lots to do and just over 15 weeks left! How time flies!


According to my pregnancy app, baby B is the size of a papaya this week! He is growing so fast! I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was a little surprised at my new figure. It is funny because even though I am gaining weight (and a belly) I don’t really feel much heavier. Just more awkward. I can still get out of bed and out of chairs pretty easily. I may not run anywhere, but feel like I still walk relatively quickly. Going up many stairs is harder now.

It is hard to believe I still have just about 4 months to go! Time will go by so fast that despite the physical limitations ahead, I am looking forward to each moment. It will only get us closer to meeting our little boy πŸ™‚

New year, new pregnancy symptoms!

Now that I am moving in to the second half of the pregnancy, I am starting to experience new (and not so exciting) symptoms and feelings! Some funny, some awkward.

1) now that Baby B (Auntie Linda came up with that one) is getting bigger and stronger I can feel more kicks rather than just movements. Today at work, I think he was bored that I was just sitting there, so he kept kicking all over. At one point, he kicked my bladder really hard and I had to run to the restroom!

2) the last few days I have had a pain down the back of my left leg. It kind of feels like I pulled my hamstring. I don’t know if it is a pregnancy thing, but I never felt it before.

3) I started getting a little bit of a bloody nose today, which I hear is a pregnancy symptom. It isn’t much, but I never get bloody noses.

All in all, as long as I keep feeling my little man wiggling, I am happy πŸ™‚ I am sure that David is going to feel him soon, because this baby is really getting strong!

Baby doing well!

Had another appointment today, and our baby boy is doing great! He had a super strong heartbeat and was moving all over. Unfortunately Mom isn’t doing so hot. I caught a cold and am trying to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Hopefully it doesn’t last too long. Doesn’t seem to be bothering this little guy, he is having a good time squirming around.

Halfway done!

Today marks the 20 week point! I am amazed at the fact that in a few more months we will be bringing home our baby boy! Now that we have come so far, it is time to really start planning a few things. Since I have some time off of work for the holidays, I am looking forward to researching some baby items (strollers, carseats, cribs, etc).

I thought I would also share some of the frequently asked questions I get.

1) Do you get sick?
I don’t know why people want to know about my stomach issues, but whatever. I actually did really well the first 8 weeks or so. After that first appointment and ultrasound, I started getting more nauseous, and had a few “episodes” of morning sickness. It wasn’t that bad though. I still get nauseous when my stomach gets too empty, but even that is way less at this point. For the most part it tapered down after about 17 weeks.

2) Do you have any cravings?
I don’t think that I do. I would say I have just been more picky with what food I want. During the first trimester it was hard to think of any meal that sounded good. The only thing that always sounded yummy was ice cream. Now I am doing better at eating just what is available. No cravings for anything unusual, though!

3) Can I touch your belly?
This is a new one for me! For family I don’t really mind because I know them and know how excited they are…it is cute really. For other people, they usually ask first. Depending on who it is, I am okay with it (for now, at least). I think it is a little strange that people want to go around touching my ice cream storage unit, especially when it is still a little flabby. But, I get it too. It is fascinating that a little human is in there!

4) Can you feel kicking yet?
Well, I don’t know if it is kicking, but I can definitely feel him moving around more and more. At first it was a little butterfly in the belly feeling, and it has slowly been getting stronger. Now I can feel him kinda rolling around, and sometimes a quick jab to the stomach. So far it has only been felt from the inside, but as he keeps growing I am sure David will feel them from the outside of my tummy soon enough.

5) Have you thought of names?
David and I have a list going. While we were set on a boys name for a few years (when we started talking about future kids) it is hard to ignore all the other possibilities. We will likely have a short list of names ready, and then see what this little guy looks like to make the final decision. For now, he is just “Baby”

That is it for now, but as I think of more (or if you have any questions for me) I will include them!

Words cannot express our joy

I am so incredibly grateful and feel absolutely in awe over how healthy our baby boy looks! I have been nervous for the last week, and seriously was preparing myself in case there was bad news. But seeing our baby move more and more during the ultrasound lifted all my fears. I prayed my thanks immediately.

When the technician said she could tell the gender right away, I got excited. I had been thinking it was a boy, and when I saw proof, I couldn’t stop the tears of happiness. David and I are going to have a son πŸ™‚

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. We are incredibly blessed.

Tomorrow is a big day

Our anatomy scan is tomorrow! According to most of my books, this may be the last time we see our little baby until he or she is born. I am excited to see how big my baby has grown and if it is a he or a she. I can’t believe I am so close to the halfway point. It doesn’t seem real that the baby is close to 6.5 inches long and almost weighing in at one pound. I am getting bigger, but I still don’t see how it fits inside me.

I had a bit of a rough day with some remnants of morning sickness. I don’t know what caused it all of a sudden, but I am sure it is a sign that baby is still growing and wanting attention.

I am eager to see this pregnancy progress further along. I can’t wait for David to feel some kicks, and for me to be able to tell what baby is doing and how it is positioned. I hear you can start telling the difference between a foot, or elbow, or a hand. It is amazing what a woman’s body is capable of doing!

I don’t know how I will sleep tonight, or how I will concentrate at work tomorrow. I just hope baby is well rested so it can put on a show for us!

Baby is letting me know who is boss

I was driving to work this morning, thinking about all the things I need to do today, when I felt a quick thump to the gut. I guess baby was trying to remind me what matters most in my life πŸ™‚

Happy Thanksgiving

Today I am so grateful for my family, who is so supportive and loving to me. I am especially grateful for my wonderful husband. He is my perfect match in life, and I wouldn’t want to have a child with anyone else. I am grateful for this incredible blessing that is growing in me. It is such a huge miracle to be carrying a new life, and I thank God every day for this chance.

May everyone in the world feel a bit of the happiness and gracefulness that I do today.

15 weeks, whew

I am now just over 15 weeks along and doing okay. I get a little nervous still since I don’t know what is going on inside me. But, I am so happy every time I feel a tiny little flutter every so often. It is so crazy, and completely magical at the same time. To think that my little baby is making him or herself comfy in me makes me so happy. I can’t wait until the kicks start so that David can feel them too.

I still have some hard days, but my food issues seem to be balancing out. My book says that I will start packing on some pounds this trimester. I am trying to remember to do this slowly. I also am having some back pain, but that was the case before I got pregnant too.

Only a week until my next appointment, which will probably just be a quick checkup. I am just excited to hear baby’s heartbeat again.

Keep all the prayers coming, they are really helping πŸ™‚

Rounding up the first trimester

I literally am rounding! I look in the mirror or at pictures David takes of me and it seems that I am further along than I am supposed to be! We’ve had two ultrasounds, so I know there are not two in there, but it sure looks like it! This little bump is going to be hard to hide at work.

I am looking forward to officially be in the second trimester. Should be a few days now. For some reason my nausea has been a little worse the last few days, which is disappointing when on vacation. I am still really struggling with getting vegetables in me, so I will try to make that a goal for the week. I have to hope baby is getting all it needs from my reserves.

Vacation is over today, and I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with my husband. We had so much fun over the last week. I can’t wait for the holidays now.

Feeling Great!

I am so over the moon after yesterday’s appointments! I still can’t believe how incredible it was to see our baby waving at us and moving all over. It is amazing how much detail an ultrasound can give. At one point I saw baby’s mouth opening and closing, like he/she was trying to talk to us πŸ™‚ The baby was even trying to suck its hand!

I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful for this miracle. It has been a nerve-wrecking road so far, but I am starting to feel relief. I know with the continued support and prayers from our families, we will be okay.

Other than this incredible high I feel, I am doing just fine. Still fighting a bit of nausea, but it is manageable. I will be into my second trimester soon, so I should start feeling even better. I haven’t been super tired, but I have had some trouble sleeping. Maybe this next trip to San Diego will help me get that last bit of relaxation before tackling the next hurdle of pregnancy…gaining a big belly!

Twelve weeks, vacation time

I have hit the 12 week mark, an I am celebrating in Santa Barbara with David. We are relaxing and walking around a LOT. This is the most exercise I have been able to muster in a while, but I am glad for it. I feel pretty good except when I suddenly start to get hungry and must have food right away.

I finally feel a little growth that isn’t just an ice cream belly. I also am feeling some teeny vibrations once in a while coming from my lower abdomen. It is probably way to soon to think it is baby, but it is better to think that than the latest snack being digested. We shall see.

Our appointment is on Tuesday, Oct 30, so please keep praying for us!

Good days and bad days

I have come to the 11th week. Baby should be changing from a lime to a plum size. One more week until our next appointment and I am trying not to be nervous. For the most part I think things are going well. I still have some nausea, mostly when my stomach is empty. Mornings can be tough, especially as I am trying to get off to work. I do the best I can, though.

I have a good amount of energy, it seems. I try to get a few walks in during the day. They are short, but the hills I face make it a good workout πŸ™‚

David thinks I am showing, but I am not convinced it isn’t an ice cream bump. I am getting round, but at least my work pants still fit. I am trying to wear looser clothes so my stomach isn’t so noticeable, but I still see it.

I am looking forward to sharing good news in a few weeks. I am just trying to stay positive and picture what life will be like in a few months.


Every time I feel a wave of nausea, I feel grateful. Well, it is still no fun feeling sick, but I remind myself that this means my little baby is still growing and my body is doing what it needs to do. I am having a few challenges with worries, but am trying to stay positive for my baby.

David continues to be so helpful, especially when I need him to go get food for me and filling the dishwasher for me when looking at dirty dishes makes me feel sick. He always makes sure I am okay and asks how I am feeling, which makes a huge difference.

On October 30 we get our next ultrasound for what they call an NT test. It is a scan to look for markers of some genetic disorders and Down’s syndrome. I really just want to see how this baby has changed, as it will look so much different by then. It can’t come soon enough!

First Appointment

Our first appointment was yesterday, and despite many nerves my part it went very well! The nurse practitioner I saw was very nice and thorough. She took her time in answering my questions and listening to my concerns. When it came time for the ultrasound, she made sure to show me the little flicker of our baby’s heartbeat first thing. It was very inspiring for me to see that. The baby also measured spot on at 8 weeks and 3 days.

I have to make an appointment for another scan at 12 weeks, so I can’t wait to see how that goes. I am sure I will continue to be nervous at every stage, but for now I am trying to enjoy every moment. Luckily I haven’t been too sick πŸ™‚

7 weeks

I have reached the 7 week mark! This pregnancy, every day seems like a miracle. I am so grateful for the chance to experience this again. So far, things have been relatively calm and easy. I haven’t been very nauseous, and aside from a bad cold I have been fighting all week, I am happy and healthy. My first appointment is on October 3rd, and I am anxiously awaiting the ultrasound. It is very difficult not knowing what is going on inside me, but I have to trust that all is well.

A reflection of our first pregnancy

It has been 5 months since we have been without our baby. March and April were difficult, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Angel. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. My emotions were so low, but I slowly worked back to be myself. I missed being pregnant, even though it was tough many times.

This time around, I am more scared than excited. What can I do differently? I prayed for a healthy baby, but I needed to pray for strength for myself. I guess I had to experience that low in order to appreciate the struggle.

I wish I had another picture of our Angel Baby. I have one ultrasound from our 9 week appt. The image is fuzzy and a little hard to make out, but I know where her heart is. Funny how I thought it was a boy until the day I learned the baby had passed away. That night before I dreamed of a beautiful baby girl. Since then I thought she was a girl.

Now that I am pregnant again I want to treasure each precious moment, because I do know how sacred the time I have with my child is. I never got to feel my first baby move. I want that feeling, and to see his or her smiling or crying face. I want the baby clothes hanging in our closet to be put to good use soon.

Through all the heartache we have experienced, David and I are more solid than ever. We are grateful for our friends and family who were so supportive through our loss, and who will continue to be supportive this time around. We are determined to never forget our Angel, and to stay strong.

We Made It!

I am finally at 13 weeks and ready to start my second trimester! Oh wow, how much of a difference I feel now versus a few weeks ago! I honestly didn’t know how I was going to make it, but here I am!!! I told David yesterday that I went from being sick about 90% of the day to feeling great 90% of the day. It has improved my overall mood and helped me get even more excited about the months ahead.

Next week we have another doctor’s appointment. I can’t wait to see our little bundle once again! He or she should have less of a gummy bear form, and look more like a peach-sized baby.

While it is too soon to know the gender, we can’t wait to find out! They say we should know for sure by twenty weeks, which is only a few months away. By then (and maybe sooner), I should also start to feel the baby move. I am really excited for that to happen, because then it is really, REALLY, real!

So, here we are, full of hope and joy. I am taking care of Baby Bonilla the best I can. Can’t wait to see what is around the next corner πŸ™‚

12 Weeks!

I made it! I am finally at 12 weeks, just one week away from starting my second trimester. Things are starting to get better, and I can see the better days ahead. It is amazing how much my attitude changes based on how my stomach feels. I guess that is true any time though.

In about 11 days I have another doctors appointment with another ultrasound. I can’t wait to see how much this little one has grown. According to all the Googling I have done, the baby should have a more “human” form. I want to see little arms and legs and hear that heartbeat again πŸ™‚

I also want to say how much I appreciate my loving, supportive husband. David has been great, making sure I have whatever I need. It has been an interesting journey so far, but I wouldn’t want to take it with anyone else.

Dear Baby, Happy 11 Weeks

Well Baby, we made it to 11 weeks. Sometime soon (according to the books) I should start getting my energy and appetite back to normal. I hope that is true, because no matter how much nutrition I want to give you I can’t seem to manage to eat it. Maybe you are just like your Daddy and don’t want to eat your veggies.

It has been a long road over a short period of time, but I keep my hopes up with all the milestones we have to come. I can’t wait to start feeling you move around. Right now you are probably enjoying all the space to float around and play astronaut. When things start to get cramped, don’t worry. You have a nice house that is waiting for you. Your Daddy and I will make a comfortable bedroom for you with everything you need. It will probably even have a 49ers blanket.

Baby, even though we don’t know who you are yet, know that your family loves you so much. We can’t wait to call you by name.

The Amazing World of Pregnancy

At 9weeks, 3days, it is easy to imagine that I am pregnant. Day after day of feeling queasy and pants not fitting quite the same are my biggest clues. However, it seemed just like an imaginary thing. Something I know to be true, but still find hard to believe.

That is, until today. David and I saw our little gummy bear this afternoon, and it was pretty incredible! With one wave of her magic wand, the ultrasound tech showed me a new life. One with a strong, real, heartbeat. That little flutter and quick lub-dub made me realize exactly what was going on here.

There is a person growing inside me!! It is so crazy! Whoever he or she is, this baby is loved so much! Even though seeing the baby didn’t magically cure my nausea, or erase my tiredness, I have a bit more resolve that I can get through it all just for that tiny fluttering heart.