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Long night ends with a thump

last night Jacob woke up around midnight and just couldn’t (or wouldn’t) fall back asleep. It was three hours and one snack break later that we finally put him in his crib and said “night night” and left him there. I think he was surprised we did that, but he quietly laid there until he found a comfy spot to fall asleep.

During the long three hours, I was getting so frustrated with him and myself. He kept punching me feet which hurt, and I just wanted to get back to rest. Somewhere in that long night filled with a mommy’s struggle, I got my first real kick from baby bean. It made me stop and just appreciate how quickly time goes on. Maybe I won’t have more nights like this with Jacob, but a new baby brings new opportunities to teach me patience. I just hope that I can continue to be the best mommy that I can be.

16 weeks (and a few days)

Our new little bundle is growing growing growing. Valerie is showing and baby is growing. In a matter of weeks, we will find out if Jacob will have a baby brother or a baby sister.

Things seem to be going well. We are trying to teach Jacob about being a big brother. Valerie even bought him a book all about it and he seemed pretty interested in it. Every now and then we will point to Valerie’s tummy and say “baby.” He doesn’t seem to react much.

I guess we’ll just keep working at it.



Sick big brother, growing baby

Jacob is fighting something right now, but mommy and daddy are trying to take good care of him. On the positive side, he got a new book today about being a big brother and we read it together. He seemed to like it. Plus, at one point I felt his little sibling moving around a bit, so maybe new baby bean is encouraging big brother to get better soon.
Luckily the nausea is subsiding mostly, and I am starting to gain a little weight. Since I have been trying to be careful with what I eat to avoid gestational diabetes again, I lost a little weight then maintained it for several weeks. Baby is still growing (as is my belly) so I am not worried about it. Feeling the baby’s movements will help encourage me to keep up a reasonable diet.
Time moves slowly when you are anxious to meet a new baby! In about three weeks we will learn our baby’s gender. Hopefully around then we will start doing belly bump pictures, so I can document this pregnancy as well.

Yay second trimester!!

I am finally in the second trimester and starting to feel better. I don’t remember feeling as nauseous with Jacob, so I am grateful that it is starting to go away. However, everything has shifted forward and my stomach looks about 5 months big instead of 3. I guess there is no denying that this baby is growing.

We are in Las Vegas through tomorrow and having a great time. Jacob is getting a lot of swimming in. Luckily it isn’t too hot.

Baby Bean’s 12 week ultrasound

On Monday, we got a better look at our new little addition. He or she is measuring out fine and looking oh so comfy inside of mommy.

We can’t wait to see what you actually look like and see your little face for the first time. Big brother Jacob is waiting for you. I’m sure he will love playing with your baby toes.


About 8.5 weeks in…

This pregnancy is kicking my booty right now. I have constant nausea and am starting to get tired and moody. Luckily we have started to tell our family, in case it shows. I am so grateful to be pregnant again, but am ready for this part to be over and be on to the glowy, big belly part.

Jacob has been acting differently too, but I can’t be sure if it is because he is two or because he senses something is different. I am trying to be extra patient with him, but it is hard when I feel so sick. For now I will just give him extra love and kisses.

In a few more weeks I should start feeling better and we will get another ultrasound to see how everything is progressing. It will be exciting to go through that again, and to see our little bean.

Baby Bean’s first photo


Baby Bean’s first photo

It has been 4 weeks since Valerie gave me the good news. Yesterday, we got our first look an our new little addition, who I have affectionately nicknamed ‘Baby Bean’ for now. Seeing that little heart flicker was just as magical as it was when we first saw it with Jacob.

Valerie is about 8 weeks along right now and we are taking things one day at a time. She seems to be more nauseous than she was with Jacob. She’ll have some cravings. Nothing crazy. Pepperoni pizza here, chips and salsa there. More than cravings, it seems to be “everything except this one food that I want right now makes me feel sick.” I am just rolling with it. Tonight, she could not think of what she wanted for dinner until pretty late and sent me out to Carson for some carnitas from Diana’s. I had forgotten about some of the food runs from Jacob. It’s all part of the fun.

Jacob is going to make a fantastic big brother. He loves seeing babies so hopefully he loves our new little one. He has such a kind heart and we can only hope that he welcomes being a big brother and having Team Bonilla going from a roster of three to four.

We have not told anyone yet. Not even our families. We wanted to wait until after the first doctor appointment, which was yesterday. As things happen, we are reminded by the familiarity of it all and are feeling blessed beyond belief.

Lord, please watch over our little Baby Bean. Grow grow grow.