Now that I am moving in to the second half of the pregnancy, I am starting to experience new (and not so exciting) symptoms and feelings! Some funny, some awkward.

1) now that Baby B (Auntie Linda came up with that one) is getting bigger and stronger I can feel more kicks rather than just movements. Today at work, I think he was bored that I was just sitting there, so he kept kicking all over. At one point, he kicked my bladder really hard and I had to run to the restroom!

2) the last few days I have had a pain down the back of my left leg. It kind of feels like I pulled my hamstring. I don’t know if it is a pregnancy thing, but I never felt it before.

3) I started getting a little bit of a bloody nose today, which I hear is a pregnancy symptom. It isn’t much, but I never get bloody noses.

All in all, as long as I keep feeling my little man wiggling, I am happy šŸ™‚ I am sure that David is going to feel him soon, because this baby is really getting strong!